Sensory Overload?

March 20, 2012
Closeup of the face of a dear

The key to achieving that harmony of technology is through sensors, devises that collect vast amounts of data from an almost infinite number of sources.

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Big Data Drives Big Change

January 6, 2012
Stack of CDs

The digital age is the age of big data where every piece of technology captures data available for later use. This digital “exhaust data,” is data created as a by-product of other activities.

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Watson, Come Here I Need You

April 27, 2011
Top of old UK telephone booth

Watson’s success on Jeopardy! demonstrates the capabilities of computers to store and retrieve medical knowledge at the point of care, thereby freeing clinician minds from the unnecessary burden of recalling facts.

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Seeing Is Not Believing

March 26, 2011
Parrot head

As organizations work at deploying health information technology and deliver clinical transformation through redesigned workflows, they need to recognize the basis for many of the errors we, as human beings, make in our everyday lives.

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A True Tipping Point?

September 20, 2010

From the signing of healthcare reform legislation to the release of final rules for “meaningful use,” events in 2010 are driving toward a true transformation in the delivery of healthcare in the United States.

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