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We Need Data

Graph without lables

Gut feelings and “I think” or “I believe” no longer carry weight. The regular use of data by decision makers will hopefully be one that helps prevent a crisis of this magnitude from occurring again.

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Not the Time to Ease Up

Color-coded map of US

I hope that the general public, while rooting for the people of NYC, understand that their own fate depends upon them maintaining social distance, washing their hands, and obeying the advice of public officials.

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Believing is Seeing

Sunglasses on the ground

[DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_SOCIAL_ICONS] Data collection and its use surrounds us. Our mobile phones trace where we live, work, buy our groceries, and visit friends. Today’s trip to some online shopping sites shows me ads for puppies (my …

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A Health IT Soothsayer

Tea pot and cup

One of the best parts about predicting the future is how rarely the soothsayer is held accountable. The famous Michel de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus, is popularly credited with predicting the rise of Hitler …

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