EMRs: Are We There Yet?

March 13, 2018
racing bike handlebars

Despite the evolution and investment in EMRs over the past five decades, little evidence exists that all this digitization is making a difference in quality, safety, or cost.

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Gerrymandering Pop Health

January 18, 2018
Gerry-Mander map

The word “gerrymander” comes from the pairing of Gerry’s name with the shape of one of the contorted districts north of Boston that resembled a salamander (see Figure 1). This gerrymandering of the Massachusetts Senate proved so successful that although the Federalist party won both the election for governor and a majority of the Massachusetts House, they failed to win the Senate, then controlled by the Democratic-Republicans.

The sophisticated analytics that allow for the gerrymandering of election districts also offer a model that can be applied in the delivery of population health services.

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The Merging of HIT

June 23, 2017

Although most attention to HIT focuses on the use of the EMR, other recent HIT tools successfully merge clinical and administrative activities that previously stood independent of each other.

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