Featured Articles

Failure is Not an Option

Space shuttle just after launch ignition

Effective use of information technology to reduce medical errors requires identifying the cause of the medical errors and the clinical transformation—the change in how we clinically do something—that reduces the probability of the error occurring.

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A True Tipping Point?


From the signing of healthcare reform legislation to the release of final rules for “meaningful use,” events in 2010 are driving toward a true transformation in the delivery of healthcare in the United States.

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Health IT’s Glue

Broken plastic pipe with glue tubes

The future of health IT over the next five years is in the development of these “glue” applications that allow the seamless linking of large, robust system, such as EMRs or laboratory applications, so that end users can utilize these tools in a coherent, patient-centric manner.

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Raison d’Être

Blackboard with writing

The raison d’être of health IT includes four key items: 1) enhance patient safety, 2) improve quality of care, 3) foster greater accessibility, and 4) facilitate a reduction in medical costs.

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